A piece split into three section with digital drawings. The first section has a cartoony white mouse with gray spots. There are arrows pointing to the mouses body labeled with numbers and it reads 'Important Mouse Anatomy' at the bottom. The list reads 1. Ears for good listening skills. Tell them your secrets. 2. Eyes for seeing your soul. (It's beautiful) 3. Mouth. For swearing. 4. Hands for grabbing your heart like in Mortal Kombat. 5. Long tails help with balance. The second section has a drawing of a mouse wheel. A grey mouse with white face and a slug are running in the wheel. The text outside reads Wild mice will run in wheels placed outside. Slugs do, too. (This is actually true) There is a website in the bottom right corner. The final part reads Mice are not like rats in many ways! There is a drawing of a brown rat head labeled Rat with an x and a drawing of a black mouse head labeled Mouse with a checkmark. Mice will never rat you out to the police. So never hand them over to the cats. However... Remember Kids is written in colorful bubble letters. All Cats Are Beautiful. There is a large orange cat head to the right.
100% True Mouse Facts!

I promise!

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